Round Peg In a Square Hole-crafts

Monday, November 27, 2006

Sock Wars end game and misc.

Well, the first Sock War is over, and I think it was concluded with a pretty high level of satisfaction. There was a change in the rules in the last week or 10 days, once Yarn Monkey realized how many of us would still be alive by the end--she imagined being inundated with socks, I guess, and a lot of us were unhappy with the idea that we would get neither swag nor socks. YM had the happy idea of choosing the winner by who first sent a letter or postcard to her at an address she posted on Nov. 24, and Heraldis (who was familiar to those of us who frequented the forum) had the brilliant notion of wiring her flowers. Very clever, so she gets the goodies, and with all good will, as far as I could tell from the forum.

Now, the rest of us will just knit the last socks that we were working on, and that should ensure that everyone gets socks. I'm hoping we can keep the forum going until everyone is accounted for.

In the mean time, I finally got SIP to make for my last target, and was able to kill her in the last week of the game. Am knitting more socks for her, though, as the ones I got in the game were a little more "special" than I liked; besides, I had already started them. Finished that second pair today, and will dye them tomorrow, so I should be able to post them by the end of the week. My target was almost finished with the socks she was working on, so it makes sense for her to just finish them and send them on. Have contacted that target, to see if she has socks she wants to finish, or if she wants to send them to me. I may be a warrior w/o a target, but that would free me up to compensate folks who got taken advantage of in the game, so maybe that's a good thing.

The latest on the slipper front is encouraging: the felting/fulling in the washer worked just as advertised! One shrunk more than the other, but I was able to block them both to the correct size, pinning them to the carpet of the sewing room floor. Now, I just have to assemble the pieces: foot, suede sole, knitted and not felted cuff, I cord for trim. Oh, and make the other two pair, too.

In other crafting news, I finished the sleep shirt for my mom (every year I make matching stretch velvet sleep shirts for my mom, my daughter and myself, for us all to wear on Christmas Eve), as well as a shirt I had completely forgotten I had said I would make, so that was one of those "it only goes on the acountability matrix once, and that when it's already done" oddities. Ah, well; someday I will keep better track of my projects. Yeah, right.
