Round Peg In a Square Hole-crafts

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Knit From Your Stash 2207

Some folks have started a KAL designed to use up stash yarn. I think this is laudable, and am going to try to do the same. Their rules are:

Knit From Your Stash 2007: Guidelines for L-B and Wendy

1. The Knit-From-Your-Stash-a-Thon will start January 1, 2007 and run through September 30, 2007 -- a period of nine months.

2. We will not buy any yarn during that period, with the following exceptions:

2.a. Sock yarn does not count. What? You think we are made of stone?

2.b. If someone asks for a specific knitted gift that we really and truly do not have the yarn for, we may buy yarn to knit that gift.

2.c. If we are knitting something and run out of yarn, we may purchase enough to complete the project.

2.d. We each get one "Get Out of Jail Free" card -- we are each allowed to fall off the wagon one time.

3. We are allowed to receive gifts of yarn.

4. Spinning fiber of any sort is exempt.

My first modification to this concerns Headgames (like Sock Wars, but with hats): while I have bought some yarn for it, and have lots of acrylic in worsted weight, I know from my experience with Sock Wars that I might end up having to buy more natural fiber worsted weight yarn, if one of my targets flakes or my target specifically hates the color I bought. Also, I have offered to knit up ISoDs for Sock Warriors who remain sockless, and have very little DK yarn in my stash; however, I might be able to weasle this one out, as the yarn would be for socks, so could be considered "sock yarn". And, lastly, I have several "specialty" yarns that I may end up needing to buy other yarn to put with it to be able to use it up.

Also, I ordered yarn yesterday, but I didn't hear about KFYS until today, so I think that's O.K. (I suspect, though, that when I use the "Get Out Of Jail Free" card, it'll be a humongous order from KnitPicks or Elann..... :-) )