Round Peg In a Square Hole-crafts

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Knitting Update

The previous post was written some time ago, for the Costumers' Guild West newsletter, Squeals from the Ghodfuzzy. Many other entries here were also written for Squeals, at various times in the past, and there will be more posts from the past, as I dig them out.

That said, I have to say that I am VERY focused on knitting right now, probably because of the Sock War, which starts Friday (although, since the coordinator is in Ireland, which (as I am VERY familiar with from my work) is 7 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time, I'm hoping that I'll see the pattern in my email box 'long about 5 p.m. Thursday....). I bought new yarn for it, though I had some DK weight yarn on hand, because those posting to the forum seem to be a bit pickier than I about the fibers they use. I tend to use acrylics, as they wash well, and are cheaper, but I only work with stuff that feels nice; still, I was a little intimidated by all this knowledgeable talk of yarns of various compositions, so went ahead and bought new "good" stuff. And, as long as I was buying, I bought some silk and alpaca to make myself socks, in case I don't like the ones that kill me off in the competition, or in case I DON'T get killed. And, another set of needles, in case the new stuff doesn't knit up like the old and.... (It is just dangerous to allow me to enter a yarn store. I have more self-control where fabric is concerned. Well, at least a little more.)

But the bestest news is what I saw in a new knitting catalog that came yesterday. Don't know how I got on their list, and won't be buying any of their yarn (Yikes! The prices!) but they have the needles I've been looking for for, literally, years. They're made of fake balene, i.e. whalebone and, if they are ANYTHING like the one circular needle I've been working with for over 20 years, I will be in heaven. Its smoother than wood, but not slippery like metal, so the stitches move easily, but don't fall off the needles. It's warmer than plastic or metal, not as brittle (nor NEARLY as expensive!) as wood. It is just a fabulous material, always assuming that it is as my old one is. I'm going to order some (probably DPs) to see what they're like. If they pass muster, I suspect I will be replacing all my bamboo DPs, at the very least. Squeeeee!

Other knitting news: I agreed to make a shawl/wrap/something for a friend to put in the auction basket for her daughters' school class. This HAS to wait for the Sock War, the Christening Gown, and the Christmas rush to be over, but of course, I'm thinking about it now. Want to do something in chenille, both because it is soft and because it knits up fast. Having trouble finding just what I want, however. May have to put an eyelash with something else, instead. I'll keep you posted. Also, I saw the most bizarre thing in Michael's: knitting needles with lighted tips, I kid you not, and they come complete with the first set of batteries. I suspect it would drive me crazy, and not sure I want to pay that much for them, but may have to have a pair, just...well, because!

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